Saturday, August 21, 2010

Thoughts on Catty Women

Ok so I put up post on PMLM and they are my normal sense of smartass attitude pertaining to things that have occured or are occuring in my life. I pose a little vinette as to the story and my response to the situation and then I might ask what others thoughts are? ok, so everyone is entitled to their own opinion, true, I GET THAT, what I don't understand is why there are so many catty women out there just waiting for the perfect time to pounce on something and stick their claws into it!  It amazes me how many more people go out of their way to be a negative influence and poopoo on your story, your actions, anything probably about you, for their mere fact that their is something they envy possibly about you!  I mean how shallow is that!  So I am asking you blogger peeps what you now think about Catty Women and how do you handle them?  


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